A Design Studio Made for You.

At Jennifer Quinn Design we pride ourselves on open communication, high-quality deliverables, and longevity in the pieces we create. Our work embodies a balance of art, advertising principles, and design psychology. Good design starts with a mindful approach, and we begin each new project by getting to know you and your business. Together, we’ll develop a strategy to achieve what you truly want out of your organization and create successful design from there.

Design Studio Seeks Passionate Businesses:

Jennifer Quinn Design studio is a creative hub thriving in St. Louis, Missouri, working with clients in St. Louis, Chicago, and nationwide. Jennifer and her talented team of collaborators provide best-in-class graphic design, brand identity, and social media services for our passionate clients. We can help you tell your story, reach your target market, and create longevity in your brand.


The Possibilities are Endless.